3 IDIOTS has embarked on one of the biggest starts ever. The film collected an enormous approx. Rs. 2.5 crores in paid previews on Thursday, which is the highest ever for a Hindi film. On Friday morning, the film started with a bang, opening to an extra-ordinary response from East to West, from North to South. Early indications are that the film will have a solid first day, at par, or perhaps more than GHAJINI. The industry feels that the Day 1 figures would be more than Rs. 10 crores nett. Fingers crossed.

3 IDIOTS has embarked on one of the biggest starts ever. The film collected an enormous approx. Rs. 2.5 crores in paid previews on Thursday, which is the highest ever for a Hindi film. On Friday morning, the film started with a bang, opening to an extra-ordinary response from East to West, from North to South. Early indications are that the film will have a solid first day, at par, or perhaps more than GHAJINI. The industry feels that the Day 1 figures would be more than Rs. 10 crores nett. Fingers crossed.